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Ground Zero in Lembang, Indonesia


Troops of marauding long tailed macaques began invading rural villages near Lembang in 2020. The situation grew more dire by October 2021 (I was there during this timeframe and witnessed it firsthand), and local authorities used mostly non-lethal forms of dispersal tactics. Those tactics, along with trapping, illegal shooting and general harassment did little to curb the monkey hordes' nuisance behaviors.

Most people feel the macaques reacted to destruction of their habitat (actually, several different large forest areas were destroyed for development), and the conflicts will continue until the troops reorganize and settle in the remaining viable habitat areas.

I visited a site in Lembang again last week.

The troop I observed tried to steal from parked motorbikes and raided several trashcans. The people nearby didn't react much to the macaques or their activities.

I will revisit Lembang in April. Hopefully, the situation settles more and the monkeys restructure their range and territories to accommodate the degraded habitat.

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